No I didn't roast a mini skirt wearer - I made a pastry tart! And it was BEYOND fabulous. Here is how...
1 x Courgette, sliced
2 x Peppers, diced into chunks (I picked yellow and red)
10 x Cherry tomatoes
1 x Red and white onions
50g Spinach
100g Brie
200g Plain flour
75g White vegetable fat
50g Cheddar cheese
1 x Egg, beaten

Step 2. PASTRY! God I love pastry.. Anyway. If you have a blender then wonderful. I am jealous of you.. I used a fork and a litre of sweat. Blend together the flour, a pinch of salt, the fat and the cheese. Once thoroughly mixed together, add 3 tablespoons of the egg you have pre beaten (poor egg, what did it do to you) and add some cold water. I put in about a tumbler glass worth steadily and not all at once. What you are aiming for is a smooth as you can get dough that isn't sticky. Once done, take it out of the blender and knead it gently for a few minutes. Wrap some cling film around it and chuck it into the fridge for 15 minutes. Go and stir the veg around.

Step 4. Turn the sides of the tart up to make a brie and roasted vegetable nest. Return the glorious concoction to the oven and give it 25 minutes. Go back every 5 minutes to watch it rise and when the buzzer buzzes or the dinger dings, take it out and go and show the neighbours. And then enjoy it alone.. in a dark room.. alone.. kali orexi!